Important Information on Psychological Testing in Des Plaines

Psychological testing in Des Plaines can help paint a picture so that a medical professional can diagnose issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and several others. These tests measure feelings, traits and other characteristics that provide insights into the personality of a person. These are just a few of the things to expect if you or a loved one undergoes this type of testing.

The Purpose of Psychological Testing in Des Plaines

The goal of psychological testing in Des Plaines is to gain as complete an understanding as possible of the challenges facing an individual. It provides much more insight than a brief visit to a doctor’s office. Just because someone is going in for testing, however, that does not necessarily mean that he or she has a serious or complex problem. All it means is that more information is needed so that the right course of treatment can be determined.

Before the Test

If you are preparing to undergo psychological testing in Des Plaines, you need to know that you may need to fill out several questionnaires before hand. However, you should come armed with plenty of questions of your own so that you can have the best possible idea of what to expect. For instance, find out who will conduct the assessment, how long it will take, what types of materials you will need to bring, and who will have access to the results of the test.

Benefits of Psychological Testing in Des Plaines

There are several reasons to schedule psychological testing in Des Plaines. For instance, your child may be performing poorly at school and you do not know why. Testing could help reveal if he or she has a learning disability or a condition such as ADD/ADHD. These tests can be extremely powerful in helping people overcome these and other issues.

If you would like to learn more about psychological testing in Des Plaines, contact Northwest Biofeedback online or call 847-627-8164.

Myths Regarding Substance Abuse

There a lot of myths surrounding substance abuse treatment in Schaumburg, and the staff members with Northwest Biofeedback Center would like to clear some of them up. These are just a few of the more common misconceptions regarding this extremely serious problem.

Myth 1: People are drug addicts because they want to be.

Someone may voluntarily become a social drug user, but no one “signs up” to be an addict. As time goes by, drug use becomes more compulsive than anything else, due to the fact that drug causes dramatic changes in the brain. These changes can turn drug use from a recreational pursuit to an uncontrollable habit.

Myth 2: Drug addiction is the result of a flaw in character.

It is now well documented that addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. Every addictive drug has its own unique properties that change brain function, altering molecules and cells. Drugs alter functions such as mood, motor skills, memory and much more. The abuser has but one motivation – using the drug as often as possible – and will do just about anything to get it.

Myth 3: In order for treatment to be effective, the addict must want it.

Hardly anyone wants treatment for drug abuse. People either seek substance abuse treatment in Schaumburg either because their loved ones plead with them to do so, or because they have been ordered by a court. But regardless of the reason, research shows that people who enter programs because they are facing pressure to overcome their addiction tend to do somewhat better.

Northwest Biofeedback Center offers substance abuse treatment in Schaumburg that has helped many people surmount their challenges and lead productive, fulfilling lives. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please contact us online or call us at 224-334-3070.

Triggers for Common Types of Headaches

Headaches can range from mild to debilitating, robbing a person of his or her quality of life. Here are a few of the more common types of headaches and some of the most typical issues that trigger them.


When someone imbibes a bit too much the night before and wakes up with a headache, there can be a number of reasons why he or she feels this way. Experts have not yet pinpointed an exact reason why this, one of the most common types of headaches, occurs, but they have a few guesses. Some point to inflammation due to alcohol intake, while others believe dehydration is a contributing factor. One reason may be that the person is staying up later than usual.

Headaches Behind the Eyes

If you have a dull headache that seems to be centered behind your eyes, that could be due to tension. It will more than likely clear up with an over-the-counter medication. However, if the problem is located behind one eye or is severe, that could be a cluster or migraine. Cluster headaches are usually associated with excessive tears in the eyes or eye redness.


This is probably the most severe and troubling type of headache, often triggered by a stressful event. When a person goes through stress, the body produces a substance known as cortisol, which helps them get through it. When the cortisol wears off, that person may be more at risk for a migraine.

If you suffer from one of these common types of headaches, Neurotherapy could help pinpoint the cause and also help determine the best course of treatment. To learn more, contact Northwest Biofeedback online or call 847-627-8164 (Des Plaines) or 224-334-3070 (Schaumburg).

Warning Signs of ADD/ADHD

While children normally daydream, act impulsively or forget to do their homework, if these types of issues occur on a regular basis, they could be signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADD/ADHD. Here are some of the characteristics of the issue so you can get the help needed to address it as effectively as possible.


If a child only shows inattentiveness, the possibility of ADD/ADHD may be overlooked since this is not a particularly disruptive characteristic. But this symptom can have serious consequences, such as getting in trouble at home and school on a regular basis. It could also result in underperformance at school or potential conflicts with other children.


This is the symptom most commonly associated with ADD/ADHD. Most children are naturally active, but hyperactive children move almost constantly. They may bounce from one activity to another regularly, trying to do many things at once. They can find it nearly impossible to sit still, always drumming their fingers, shaking their legs or tapping their feet. Constant squirming and fidgeting is another characteristic, as is talking excessively or always leaving their seat when they are expected to sit quietly.


Children who show an abnormal level of impulsiveness tend to interrupt others’ conversations, ask questions that are overly personal, invade the space of other people and ask questions in class that have nothing to do with the subject being discussed. They may also tend to overreact emotionally and be moody. People tend to label these children as “needy,” “weird” or “disrespectful.”

If your child has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, the professionals with Northwest Biofeedback Center have a strong record of providing successful treatment without the need for powerful drugs. Please contact us online or call 847-627-8164 (Des Plaines) or 224-334-3070 (Schaumburg) to schedule an appointment or learn more about the ways we can help.

Understanding Academic Performance Problems

can be devastating to a student, no matter how young or old he or she may be. There are several contributing factors that can lead to not only poor performance in school but can also have detrimental effects on other parts of a student’s life. Here is some information on some of these factors as well as potential solutions.

Causes of Academic Performance Problems

Students can struggle in school for a lot of reasons. He or she may have a learning disability or may not be getting proper attention from teachers. Students may have trouble in the classroom due to bullying, disinterest or confusion. Others may suffer from time management issues of procrastination.

These issues can begin in childhood and continue to linger throughout high school, college and even beyond. When parents and teachers are aware of academic performance problems early, they may be able to take steps to minimize the issue. However, if an academic concern is not properly addressed, it could lead to increased stress, frustration and anxiety that may potentially turn into aggression toward others.

Help for Academic Performance Problems

Fortunately, there are several avenues parents and students can take in an effort to improve performance in school. Tutoring or counseling could provide substantial benefits, as could special education programs. One particularly innovative approach is neurofeedback, which can train the brain to help a student improve cognitive abilities by improving coordination of the brain’s electrical activity. You can think of it as exercise for the brain, in much the same manner as physical exercise benefits the muscles.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of neurofeedback in regard to academic performance problems, get in touch with the professionals at Northwest Biofeedback Center. Call us at 847-627-8164 (Des Plaines) or 224-334-3070 (Schaumburg) or contact us online.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Just about everyone gets anxious at one time or another, but if that anxiety starts to affect your quality of life you need to address the problem. These are a few natural remedies for anxiety that can help calm you down without the need for powerful medications.

Home Remedies

There are several things that are more than likely in your kitchen right now that could help calm your nerves. Here are just a few natural remedies for anxiety that could bring you some relief.

Oil – If you have coconut, sunflower or sesame oil in your cupboard, you may be able to use it so soothe your anxiety. Warm up about six ounces of oil, making very careful to make sure it is just warm, not hot. Massage a little bit into your scalp and then gradually massage it into other parts of your body, including the soles of your feet.

Baking Soda – Mix together about a 1/3 cup of baking soda and 1/3 a cup of ginger and pour it into a warm bath. Soak for about 15 minutes and see if that helps melt away some anxiety.

Rosemary – Rosemary is one of the oldest natural remedies for anxiety, having been used for hundreds of years because of its calming effect. Make some rosemary tea by adding about one or two teaspoons of the dried herb into a cup of boiling water, or burn some rosemary incense.

Biofeedback for Anxiety

Biofeedback can also be an extremely effective way to treat anxiety without the need for drugs. At Dr. Joseph N. O’Donnell & Associates, we have a well-established track record of success in helping people who have been frustrated with other treatment methods. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us online or call us at 224-334-3070 or 847-627-8164.

Train Your Brain With Neurofeedback

A sophisticated technique that has gained a great deal of acceptance in the past few years, neurofeedback helps people learn how to directly affect the function of their brains. This may sound like an approach suited more for a science fiction movie, but it is scientifically proven to be effective. Here is some information on the technique, which is also referred to as EEG biofeedback, works.

How Neurofeedback Works

Neurofeedback works, as the name implies, by giving a person feedback about his or her brain. In most instances, people undergoing neurofeedback therapy eventually learn how to self-regulate their brainwave patterns without needing additional types of therapy or medication. This non-invasive approach is backed by solid research and used to help people suffering from several types of mental disorders. These include:

  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Migraines
  • Anxiety

It can also be used to help people suffering from other types of disorders, including cerebral palsy, seizures, autism and more.

What to Expect During a Neurofeedback Session

At Northwest Biofeedback Center, people turn to us for several different reasons, so the type of neurofeedback services we provide will vary from person to person. In general, however, neurofeedback sessions occur once a week or more and are conducted by a professional who acts as a teacher as well as a supportive guide. Electrodes are typically attached to the scalp of a patient so that both the patient and therapist can observe brainwave activity. There is no danger during any portion of the process, and no hair has to be shaved or removed.

The brainwave signals picked up by the electrodes are transmitted to a computer, where they are then processed. The computer converts brainwave patterns into sound and images, which the patient hears and sees in real time. This instant feedback allows the patient to see exactly what happens in his or her brain when they feel stressed, feel relaxed, and think certain types of thoughts.

Contact Us About Neurofeedback

This only scratches the surface of the benefits of neurofeedback as well as what to expect during a session. If you would like more information or you would like to schedule an appointment, contact Northwest Biofeedback Center online or call us at one of our two convenient locations.