Psychological Testing
In addition to several different types of biofeedback services, Northwest Biofeedback Center also offers in-depth psychological testing. This form of testing, also known as psychological assessment, typically involves an interview where the subject either writes answers down on paper or provides them using a computer.
What is Psychological Testing?
Psychological testing typically focuses on psychological and/or emotional issues that interfere with an individual’s life. In most instances, it is used to help diagnose problems such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and others. It helps to provide a comprehensive picture of a patient so the best treatment plan can be devised. Tests often use several different sources, including clinical interviews, behavioral observations, personality questionnaires and more.
Reasons to Consider Psychological Testing
Many issues that negatively impact performance at school or work can be determined through psychological testing. For example, if your child is having problems in class, tests could help disclose whether his or her difficulty is to a condition such as ADD/ADHD or a learning disability. If ADD/ADHD is suspected, your child may be provided with a computerized test. If he or she is experiencing academic problems, then specific tests on math, writing or reading may be given.
Benefits of Psychological Testing
Tests are key to educating both doctors and patients alike. Doctors use them to learn how to best treat their patients, and patients learn more about themselves. This insight can be a powerful aid in making real progress in recovering from a wide variety of conditions, using both biofeedback services as well as other means of treatment.
Contact Us About Psychological Testing
Northwest Biofeedback Center has provided biofeedback services as well as psychological testing since 1991. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, contact us online or call (847) 627-8161.